06.14.21. G7: The Country Club


This week we examine the recent G7 Summit and responses to the meeting between world leaders over their goals toward unifying against threats from Russia and China. 

This week, as we pick up recent coverage of Vice President Kammala’s southern trip, and how it became mired in controversy following problematic statements the VP made when confronted by the media about the Biden Administration’s immigration policies. Meanwhile, a shake up has occurred in Israel as a narrow vote has ousted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who has remained in power for more than a decade.

Then getting to the heart of the discussion, we turn our attention toward the 2021 G7 Summit in Cornwall, England, and the response from the international community to the meeting of world leaders. Among the focus of their discussions had been a new global corporate tax, the ongoing battle against COVID-19, and other issues. However, much of the focus of this year’s summit also had to do with those countries who were not in attendance–namely China and Russia–and what the response from the G7 member countries should be in the years ahead as the rise of Autocracies in the East remain ever present.

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A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

  • RUNE
  • Charles Baldwin
  • Vicky Pinderski
  • Jonathan Taylor
  • Douglas Davis
  • James Malone

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