03.23.20. Flattening the Curve

Flattening the Curve

As the coronavirus pandemic situation continues we look at “flattening the curve” and speak with people in affected areas like New York, and look at partisanship in Washington that could be harmful to Americans in need.  

A NOTE TO MIDDLE THEORY LISTENERS: Wherever you are, and however your lives are being affected by the current coronavirus situation, we want to send our best wishes to all of you during these trying times. We’d also like to hear from you, and welcome thoughts and perspectives on issues like social distancing, preventative measures, and in particular, views from those with a perspective on health care and related industries. Remember, we are all in this together, and we all have a role to play in getting past this; but the good news is that we will get through this. Stay safe, healthy, and informed out there, and thank you for your support for the Middle Theory program. 

As many Americans are still on lockdown, we get a check-in from the northeast and perspectives on the current situation from longtime cohost Christopher McCollum (aka McNONYMOUS), along with friend of the program Ryan Sprague who is currently based in New York, the American epicenter of the current pandemic. We also feature a few perspectives from an anonymous airport security employee who gives us their views on the situation from an aviation and health care perspective.

Then shifting gears, as we watch how Americans and people all around the world have come together in these concerning times, is it any surprise that in Washington D.C. it’s chaos as per usual? We examine reports that Senate Intelligence Committee members may have sold off stocks after receiving briefings in advance of the panic, as well as Donald Trump’s current aspirations to have Americans back to work by Easter. Is this a good idea? The Editorial Board at the New York Times didn’t seem to think so… and nor do many health professionals who recognize that “flattening the curve” is about more than just keeping people healthy: it is about making sure that everyone–including those with mild or no symptoms–don’t inadvertently help the spread of the coronavirus, which could potentially overload healthcare system capacity.

And although a stimulus plan has now finally been passed by the Senate to aid the millions of Americans affected by the economic impact of the coronavirus, it didn’t help that the usual partisan bickering impeded that process. Now more than ever, there is a need for bipartisanship and sensibility from our elected officials… and in fact, here it may just save lives.


A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

  • John Kaufman
  • Joseph DeLeon
  • Jen Massey 
  • Jennie Vongvith
  • Ali Buchan
  • Jamie Craven
  • Lauren Turinetti

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