10.19.20. October Surprises


As the 2020 Presidential Election fast approaches, we discuss “dueling town halls,” the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop and its possible connections to Russian Intelligence.

“October Surprise” anyone? No really… anybody? Well, if you’re like us, things couldn’t really get any more hectic than they already are this election season. After recapping the “dueling town hall” events held simultaneously by President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden last week, we turn our attention toward the controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s laptop, and what may be its connection with a Russian Intelligence operation.

The Washington Post and other outlets have reported on the likelihood that a hard drive obtained by Rudy Giuliani, purportedly a copy of a hard drive that belonged to Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, could be associated with Russian Intelligence efforts to sway the 2020 U.S. Election. Disputing this idea, leading conservative voices that include Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, who claims there is no intelligence in support of this idea. This, despite 50 former intelligence officials who now say this has all the earmarks of a Russian Intelligence Operation. So who or what are we to believe? We dive into the fray and sort out the existing details on this week’s edition of Middle Theory.

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A special thank you to those who donated to the podcast this week:

  • Shelli Orlandini
  • Jessica Riley  
  • James Malone

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