05.31.18. Hitler: Myths, Conspiracies, and Reality

This week on Middle Theory, in addition to news and commentary on current affairs, we provide an in-depth look at the historical mystery of Adolf Hitler’s death, which spawned decades of conspiracy theories about his possible escape at the end of WWII. 

Beforehand, we discuss an interesting series of events in relation to the Internet Archive and it’s “Wayback Machine,” which allows web users to scan archived versions of websites and other online content that may no longer appear in search engines. Are some people appealing to the Archive to have their undesirable content removed?

Elsewhere, controversy has erupted around Roseanne Barr’s recent Twitter-tantrum, in which she unleashed a tirade rife with conspiracy theories and racial slurs. The incident led to the cancellation of her newly relaunched show, as well as other public fallout… but few seem to remember that Barr has publicly acknowledged suffering from multiple personalities, or DID (dissociative identity disorder). Could this account for her strange and unpredictable online behavior?

We also touch on brief updates with relation to the infamous NXIVM cult, and a new interview where actress Allison Mack insinuates that the idea of branding the cult’s female members had been her idea… also, what was political strategist Roger Stone’s role in promotion for the group in their early years? Finally, Mr. Oakley gives us a quick succession of the strangest political pardons being issued by the Trump Whitehouse this week… we’re still waiting for all the Thanksgiving turkeys to appear on the list.

Then getting to the MID, we cast our critical eye on the history of one of the most infamous and evil political leaders of all time, Adolf Hitler, whose death in a bunker below Berlin at the end of World War II fomented conspiracy theories about his possible escape to South America on a U-boat submarine. With the popularity of television programs like History’s Hunting Hitler, many have renewed their interest in the idea of Hitler’s escape at the end of the war… however, what does modern science have to say about this long-standing mystery of history?

A special thank you to those who donated this week:

  • Kenny and Kathy
  • Grimerica
  • Jill Ellis
  • Chris Beggio
  • Mark Hankins II
  • RUNE

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Finally, here are links to stories addressed on this week’s program:

2 Replies to “05.31.18. Hitler: Myths, Conspiracies, and Reality”

  1. We don’t preserve truth we pander to the lie this is the humanity moto…this is why we prefer written word to spoken…have you ever went back to the spoken word and it was suddenly changed? If you had you’d know that persons word was as good as western history…

    white wash – white house – Wash-ington?

    We need something with immigration I have a friend born in Mexico moved to America as a baby lived here her whole development she is obviously identifiable as an American but laws that get in the same way say she isn’t…it raises the question of what is an American…by all standards she is…

    truth is very paranormal if you think about it…it shape shifts to the religion of the believer, it suddenly vanishes leaving no trace, it isn’t provable in a laboratory, you have to get a court of sterile stoic actors and a speakeasy full of whiskey…

    Middle Theory our products have many side effects racism isn’t one of them hold on our products are putting me into a comaaaaaa…..

    Im still laughing about how I made a joke about our products having many side effects…

    Hey it’s the Hollywood hard thug life for Roseanna playa, on the streets you don’t get high off the sponsors supply…

    trade your art for conart…

    Fox news interviewing people with demonization label guns for tongues on Roseanne
    Notice how the interviewee speaks through using the core of the top secret manifesto by always referring to a borrowed identity when you have none… The person interviewed speaking in the tell tale tongues of “we’s” expressing as all “we” slam poetry does, line after cringing line of things pandering to a nonexistent p.o.v. of the ever elusive…all together as one…We? You ever notice how “we” always likes things “I” hates? We, how many of you are there in there? And on the question of “we” on political representation does anybody at middle theory like to believe these clowns in some stone mason circus tent represent us…and haven’t we learned enough ety to know it means representation as a political leader not a literal cut out of your face for which the clown is going to place over the usual Speaky the clown persona and start doing citizen impressions and impersonation tricks…they don’t represent us the people they represent them the company fantasy and there is no U, I, we, us, cooperation, communication, logic, freedom, family, Ice cream, or beautiful fluffy clouds on a cool summer day, in company…

    Do people who speak in we’s garner instant suspicions into their credibility as literal individual beings?

    my new band is going to be No Offence…hail to the pandering queens Allegra implicatory to the eXistenZ…plug in or bust…

    I sometimes wear women’s clothes for the heaven of it…

    I agree and I’m adding there is also truth/established reality presenting it self as a world all around us, we refuse the truth for cultural hangups, tits on the bull…

    I’ve had to tolerate racist remarks at least, I mean when your best friend is a cowboy’s son and you look like pin the race on the donkey you end up up 20 to 1 and it’s best to just tolerate some rocks and a couple verbal stones they threw than escalate it into a full racism beating…

    Let them express it preserve the truth no matter how ugly it is until it is what you see in the mirror it can’t be fully reflected upon and seen through to a shift…

    Isn’t it interesting those who are forced to say I’m skeptic basically because they are not literal scientists in a lab but want to say I take that approach, who follow a view we are a part of a world and it reacts with us, absolutely refuse to see what it does is constantly send signals to us…how many love letters would you send someone bearing your soul before you sent in a poltergeist to bust up the place…

  2. Words of advice don’t ever ask a fairy for a loan, if you don’t make good on the deal he’ll send in a poltergeist to bust up the place, or have a bigfoot run your car off the road, or bang when you least expect it a giant sized boulder comes too conveniently crashing down on your car, case and casket closed… It’ll turn your children against you with faye siren songs transforming them into douchey little twitted hipster know it all’s tooting the fairy horn 24 hours a day partying and drugging, thinking daddies just a loser. It’ll possess your wife once a month turn her right into a werewife, teeth, claws, jaws, lips like the sweet protruding bell of an orchid; saying things about you and your manhood about as sweet as a rose stem sawing through your gums lubricated with lime juice…

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