01.11.21. Final Daze

final daze

In the “final daze” of Donald Trump’s administration, the atmosphere is tense as new calls for his removal from office ensue following the siege on the U.S. Capitol Building. 

It’s been a tense last few days in Washington, and throughout the United States, following a demonstration by supporters of President Donald Trump which resulted in a temporary siege on the U.S. Capitol Building last week. In the aftermath of the incident, renewed calls for Trump’s removal from office have led to a second impeachment effort, as well as the possibility that the 25th amendment could be invoked.

We analyze what led to this point, the political attitudes that fostered it, and why the problems we are seeing in America right now will not simply go away with a transition of power into future administrations. With America closer than it has been in decades to civil war, we look at how America became so divided, and what the path to restoration of unity may be in the years to come.

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  • Betty June
  • Vicky Pinderski
  • Connie Fletcher
  • John Lipartito

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One Reply to “01.11.21. Final Daze”

  1. There was once a frog. The frog spent it’s days hapilly hoping around it’s swamp. Many eyes would watch the bright green frog, day in and day out, both friend and foe. None of them, for even a moment, would notice anything but the bright green frog chasing it’s flies.

    The snakes and the alligators of the swamp were at war. The snakes and the alligators had always hated each other, in their fight for food, including frogs. The alligators would hide near the edge of the water, ready for the snakes to come to drink. The snakes would mostly stay away from the alligators, until there were enough of them to claim their water together, at which time snakes and alligators would both fall to the enemy. Sometimes the snakes would band together, but one snake would move upstream a little and sacrifice the other snakes, while it drank safely in private, while the alligators and group of snakes faught.

    Then one day, an alligator asked the frog. Why do you do nothing about the war?

    The frog replied, because i’m only a frog, and everyone around me is either an alligator or a snake. The alligator then proceded to eat the frog as a traitor. The alligators and even some of the snakes had a party. The war rages on, but now there is no longer a frog.

    The end.

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