05.16.18. The Mueller Probe: Year One

On this episode, we mark one full year since the beginning of the Mueller Probe, with the release of thousands of pages of Trump Tower meeting transcripts by the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Continuing our discussion from last week about the so-called “Intellectual Dark Web” referenced in a New York Times opinion piece, we look at some of the ways the new intellectual movement in America is coming to fruition thanks to the likes of educators like Bret Weinstein, psychologist Jordan Peterson, and podcaster Joe Rogan.

We then look at the recent budget proposal plan put forth by Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, which would potentially balance the U.S. Budget within the next five years. For those saying it couldn’t happen, it happened once before during the Clinton Administration (with the help of House Republicans under Newt Gingrich), who managed to balance the budget in just four years of a seven-year plan. We also spend some time looking at the history of budget balancing in U.S. politics.

Getting to the MID, we spend some time looking at the newly released transcripts of interviews that occurred between Donald Trump Jr. and a number of others, which outline discussions and meetings that took place at Trump Tower during meetings with Russians in 2016. According to the Committee on the Judiciary, “As a part of its oversight of the Justice Department’s enforcement of the Foreign Agents Registration Act and federal investigations into potential improper influence during the 2016 presidential election, the Senate Judiciary Committee conducted bipartisan staff interviews with and submitted written questions to witnesses regarding circumstances surrounding the June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting.”

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  • Jessica Zuccarello

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Finally, here are links to stories addressed on this week’s program:

9 Replies to “05.16.18. The Mueller Probe: Year One”

  1. Feral Mullers day off…lets see what is on the dark intellectual web…Ipity bopitty boppity boop rump sticky dump stick dump, the coolaid of the superlative mulebath has a hot babe…one fish two fish three fish blue fish opps…my bacon is smelly fine…

    You know I’m open minded that’s why I watch ancient aliens cause it all might be true…you have to entertain it all to truly have an open mind…

    Philosophmoric nut job with a real open skeptical mind rushes into Dental Clinic with gun screaming “inject me”… he needs his fix of what to be…before he looses it…

    President trump in a hot tub jamming to Miidale thoereery presses the little red key chain button they gave him speaking into the tiny microphone, “send in the big guns the local vocal desensitizer spray…You ever notice how people are afraid to do hallucinogens because they fear loosing it yet it’s always guys with no ability to really let go who end up going way off the deep end…is it because trump doesn’t have sickfreak and freuits proboscis needle buried in his ass that he can even fathom such a question…”

    Step One label reactions in the heat of passion as metal illness…

    step Two humanity goes around saying how crazy we are…

    step thee no questions…

  2. How come if I invent a quarter waster like ghost and Goblins I’m a genius and a tecno god, yet F I mispel erhting 2 prsnt a megr chlng in rding mmm a TROLL……

    Do you guys think the inventor of GandG will be in the bottom floor of hell with Hitler and Stalone? I mean Stalin…

    and what about those vile parasitic out of order quarter hoarders who made the NES version?

    From here forward we will refer to dribble as Philosophical dark web…

  3. I hope Micha Mcnon MT all get that Micah’s so called buddies I rag on are philosophmoric dark web in my mind they don’t exist they are imaginary totems, for which to place my ideas up upon…I’m testing this out will send it to Dr. of psychiatry after I see how many likes it gets….

  4. World Wide Web the ability to share disinformation at break neck speed gee I wonder why they refer to it like that?…

    books were the first…

    what is the three headed hell hound in Greek myth? FOODOG…

    why do they call it an underdog? baby quail chick is under the dogs…

    why is Jesus called the way? Ptah P-A-T-H “PATH”

    P=Stool / and I think archeologists are fuck ups cause the stool is actually bone script for field…but westerners are hubris literalists and so if they see a green guy sit on a field on a wall they think oh it’s a man like me on a chair…


    T=Bread Bun


    all things that rise symbolizing the power of growth in nature…Djed

    How come I never went to school for this stuff, never read occult books and I seem to be able to explain it better than everyone that has? maybe it is my one and only true belief that I know shit…and so I have an ability to learn that other humans don’t…

    Anyone want in on the rabbit hole study oracle bone script, early Egyptian hieroglyphics, Chinese Zodiac, insert any symbol system go…

    All Micah’s buddies will tell you the Mayan’s worshipped the Sun they will tell you that SET/PTAH/Mithra/Hoggle/Jesus the same dragon headed totem pole found all over the world, is a death god, a this god a that, this, anything but what it is… It is the dragon… the little guy bending down(ducking to lift) is fairies here, and demons there, and that it looks exactly similar is a complete fluke and skeptic scientific coincidence, and after saying they killed over the sun, which there is no bodies to prove this theory anywhere, turn around and say the codices are of stars??? so which is it did they worship the Sun or the Stars, or Venus? They don’t know they’ll just call it a god king looking at the old proverbial Worm Wood…


    Scroll down to “priest observing night sky” which it is most certainly not and you can see them try and fit it in a context it doesn’t fit then claim the Mayans were off by only blank…or it wasn’t related to Venus…can’t entertain that cause I’d have to say a western man was wrong…
    I count same number of dots as animals on Chinese Zodiac “23” which represent the path of plants/trees…The guy in the middle is looking at the 7th dot (White HORSE) same as Horus/Mithra/Christ…what a coincidence how much for a degree in what you know?

  5. Grolier Codex… Dragon stepping up on little green man (snake/worm and Micah’s douche buds can’t say well now your just applying them to anything, no this is etymological link, a real science older than the eyes to another’s ass open minded skeptical dark web…

    the green rising…ancient peoples dug they found dinosaur bones and thought their death symbolically related to the birth of plants and storms… they did not believe,they found associations in natural laws in psysics displayed by nature, believing an ety story is literal is western thought invention…if you can call what western does thought…Now notice it shows both characters facing the same way all hieroglyphics and bone scrip characters face which door Sarah?
    One character is ducking…this is why they have a duck with bound beak(it hasn’t found it’s ba yet(Goat) Bird in all cultures lifts up the rabbit…comes from the yin yang pole Rooster(to roost lift) Rabbit is the universal symbol of the dicot plants that sprout 2 initial leaves…

    Thoth Seshat…

    Micah’s going to have to buy all his friend’s a beer and talk to them to keep them from tearing me apart…cause they don’t want truth, just to think they are right…even though I present myself as a friend people do not like what they have not already been exposed to…

    they like Campbell and Lucas and Jung not understanding these men once tried what I’m doing and were ignored…

    it’s safer to side with those established, recognized, safe people, right? that’s why when I think of a book cover I think I need to find a nobody, and you guys go who does so and so’s covers get him…

    Rinse Repeat Micah…it comes in all forms

  6. Western thinking produces archeologists want a be’s in the general public who don’t want to discover and fear, detest discovering…

    Oh how they hate new ideas together as one…

    Screw you you no body I’m friend’s with Dr. Kutchcockov muah muah muah sniffing the shorts of glory hounds that will never toss you a bone…pissing in the faces of those trying to help from below…

    Can you guys make that your intro no that’s too 90’s Grunge…

    How about at middle theory we are human, thoughtful, thought provoking, and unlike tolerant people we tolerate ideas, because ideas are not people and so are logically tolerable…

    Middle theory, my beauty, my Perseus, my Pegasus, my Calibos, Mcnony is my Hoglet and Micah is my bog of stench…;P

    Can you tell me what your buds would dark web about that little guy holding up a stick like a torch in them maya thinga ma jugs that look like they tried to scrape off?…there is all red faced(caped)Just like the little guy in Mithraism…hmmm…coincidence or is what western people believe an etymological nightmare in an alien mind host’s feast? Tonight on Bullshit or Not…?

    From what I have seen things like Religion took in this art and hid it to protect it from the mad mobs of thought produced by materialist cynical democracies…atheist would pave over a Church to open a Mc Donald’s at the flash of a dollar…pave over preserved hieroglyphic and bone script and etymological knowledge for a easy chewed quick shit thing you know you should stop patronizing anyway…oh wait Mc D’s does have the M…the owl…the etymologic bread rising tool…Micah’s friend’s are gonna beat me over the head with a full bottle of crown for saying it wasn’t a literal bread making tool…then go on some Christian or UFO forum and laugh about how they take it all too literal…boy you guys are sick…

  7. Is it true you guys podcast wearing nothing but martial arts belts?


    the Intellectual Dark web as the Shredder…you see the super connectiveness of everyone’s connectionless body is a cry together as one for this whole unit without a connection that need to fit…

    Hey if you guys want to join over to the dark web side I’ll write your speeches…

    why do I have a tooting orifice well because a orifice is unsustainable and so it isn’t mentally capable of totting it’s own horn just as my ass-sopogus can’t superfluitous without putting vegetable oil in where their should have been fat…and so to cut out all this gristle and grease, and grim…and get to the meat and the gunk of the thing that is real deep down in there…

    I get it now, I got it! all you do is imagine you are selling an anal shower bidet and writing intellectual dark web is like abc…

  8. I’m that guy in that scene from that movie…Captain Adama turning into a werewolf by not turning into a werewolf at least in peoples mind’s from that ufo book guys movie not based on aliens that I never realized doesn’t show a ufo one time…it has a guy walk into the trees? no ufo? where did I get the ufo bit oh Micah’s buddies at Mr. and Ms.nbc and Micah has given the secret illuminati call to his bud’s for fox…Quote word for word {{if you have any fox stories any at all send them to at….blah blah blah blah…+_

    next time mcnon falls off the edge of the flat earth you should do a show with yourself…record yourself once over looking in a mirror as if your reflection was another you…pre ask him some questions pre laugh at all his jokes…then you go back and record your repose to all that imagining you are that reflection…

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