Show Notes

This is the place to find weekly show notes from The Mouth and McNonymous… if you want to excel in esoteric wisdom, pay attention to each week’s offering, and follow along!

02-17-14 President’s Day: The Holiday That Doesn’t Exist: This week’s program examines yet another conspiracy associated with an American holiday… why are the banks closed today, if President’s Day is neither Washington or Lincoln’s birthday, nor is it really even a holiday?

1) Are cats alien spies? The mother of all conspiracies

2) Iranian Naval Forces are moving toward the U.S. Maritime border

3) UN Commission of Inquiry on Human Rights in North Korea reveals crimes against humanity

4) Ongoing ethnic cleansing in South Sudan evokes comparisons to genocide:

5) Venezuelan President expels American diplomats, accuses Americans of being involved in, or behind, the ongoing deadly protests.

6) Is there something strange about President’s Day?

7) Oh yeah… that part about how “President’s Day” doesn’t exist

8) CSM chimes in on the “myth” of President’s Day

9) Meanwhile, GROUPON doesn’t know Alexander Hamilton wasn’t a president,0,1239710.story

10) Bible producers cut Satan “Obama lookalike” out of “Son of God” film

11) President’s Day: Obamacare “just a part of growing up”


02-14-14 Valentines Day: Roses, Chocolates, and Gender Ambiguity: In the immortal words of Bill Murray, “Valentines Day… bummer.” We agree wholeheartedly… and here are a list of stories we used to occupy our time instead:

1)   Michio Kaku talks about “instabilities” causing extreme cold temps

2)   Runaway 800-pound snowball crashes through wall in college dorm

3)   Facebook now allows users to identify as any gender they want

4)   U.S. Army builds fake city in Virginia to practice Military occupation

5)   Update: Woody Allen fights back against claims of daughter Dylan Farrow

6)   Feds are concerned that drug cartels are moving into Colorado

7)   VALENTINES DAY : Georgia Sheriff cancels holiday due to bad weather

8)   Valentine’s Day Jail Break: Inmate escapes to see his sweetheart

9)    Husband gives wife life-saving kidney transplant on Valentines Day


02-03-14 Big Game, Obama vs O’Reilly, and Tragedy in the Acting World: An unprecedented day for news coincided with this year’s match between the Seattle Seahawks and the Denver Broncos, where President Obama gave one of the most interesting interviews of his presidency with Fox News commentator Bill O’Reilly. Meanwhile, family, friends, and admirers mourn the loss of actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died from a presumed drug overdose in his New York apartment.

1) Man arrested for plot to slay George W. Bush, begin relationship with daughter

2) Man claims he drifted in the Pacific for 13 months

3) Dylan Farrow launches eloquent attack against predator Woody Allen

4) Allen lashes back against claims, announces plans for official statement

5) Actor Philip Seymour Hoffman dies of drug overdose at age 46

6) Fifty bags of “Ace of Spades” heroine found in Hoffman’s apartment

7) Obama vs O’Reilly: “Not a smidgen of corruption” with IRS or scandals

8) Manning and Broncos… will they recover from the Big Game mistakes?

9) Outset snap was “a noise issue,” Manning says,0,4940519.column#axzz2sHiZlI3o

10) Students sign petition to have gun owners executed in concentration camps

01-26-14 State of the Union: We’re going to step right over you: This week’s program will look at everything from the Grammy awards going political, to anticipation over Obama’s upcoming State of the Union address… below are links to stories we’ll be discussing:

1)   Upcoming Arctic Plunge will rival cold temps in early January

2)   Obama on working around Congress, minimum wage in Tuesday address

3)   The Grammys: Daft Punk takes home and Industry supports gay marriage

4)   Bitcoins are back in the news with another Silk Road bust in NY:

5)   Also, Bitcoin mining arms race heats up

6)   Anonymous and their Word Cup protests spark violence in Brazil–sow.html

7)  The most Orwellian text message you’ve ever seen, courtesy of the Ukraine:
01-19-14 Martin Luther King Day: History vs Mystery: Amidst discussion of cartels working in collusion with the U.S. government and other hot items in the news, the focus will be on the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King. And by the way… did you know that Middle Theory was part of a Saturnian Death Cult? Well, at least David Icke’s followers think so…

1) Middle Theory becomes focus of Saturnian Death Cult Conspiracy:

2) Officer sees kid playing ball, dash cam vid goes viral:

3) Doomsday clock set to 5 minutes to midnight:

4) “And after dinner, you will be the desert!”

5) Was “Fast and Furious” part of secret U.S. deal with a Mexican cartel?

6) Congress group wants the Black Budget to be disclosed:

7) Martin Luther King “brought love into public discourse”

8) Alex Haley’s Playboy interview with MLK was the longest ever

9) Oliver Stone drops MLK biopic over inaccuracies regarding King’s infidelity

10) Newly discovered audio of MLK released by NYS Education Dept


01-07-14 Sanctions and Sexual Assault in the Military: Gearing up for our first show of 2014, we take a look at what’s going on in the nukes… I mean, in the news, as well as the potential that cover ups are occurring in the U.S. military… yeah, who woulda thunk it?

1)   Wait… so the Benghazi attack WAS linked with al Qaeda after all?

2)   President Obama criticizes GOP for going on vacation… while on vacation:

3)   World leaders reach deal with Iran to curb nuclear development, then U.S. Senate introduces resolution turning the deal into a threat:

4)   Senators defy White House Proposal on new sanctions

5)   Meanwhile, pro-Iran “Shadow Lobby” launches bid to stop sanctions

6)   Text of the new Senate resolution:

7)   Man arrested for suspicious tea drinking:

8)   Deciphering the most ancient Hebrew engraving ever found:

9)   The Steubenville Rape Scandal: A Hometown Cover Up?

10) Lavena Johnson: Rape, cover up within the U.S. Military

11) LA Times discusses the prevalence of male rape in the military:,0,3196325.story

12) Gloria Davis: another military killing and cover up?


12-31-13 A New Year, and New Beginnings: This week we celebrate another year, as well as the beginning of the first full year of podcasting excellence to begin for Middle Theory with the advent of 2014. Despite only catching the tail end of 2013 together, we’ll be cramming a year’s worth into this week’s edition of the program, with a number of the following stories on the table:

1) Some of this year’s top stories in the news:

2) Obamacare “Pajamaboy” is a self-described “Liberal Fuck”

3) Hispanic teen in Durham third minority  to commit sucicide in police custody

4) Wisconsin cop gets minimal penalty for fingering suspect’s anuses

5) Robots seek terrorists at TSA checkpoints

6) Gypsies of Eastern Europe face similar social conditions to WWII persecution

7) International humanitarian groups fear a new Rwanda is in the making:

8) The Racism Wrecking Ball: Put Race-Baiting on Hold!

9) Benghazi Stories: NYT article renews debate over Benghazi scandal (or not)

10) MSNBC Weighs in on NYT piece, attacks “Conservative Conspiracy Theories”

11) Ex-CIA Analyst rips into the new Benghazi report


12-24-13 Eve in the Morning: Merry Christmas 2013! Below are links that will help you find, as we have, that there is indeed a Christmas conspiracy going on out there:

1)   Insurance shoppers granted Christmas extension with problems continuing

2)   Christmas Eve Spacewalk ensues as two astronauts begin repairs

3)   Is Christmas a Holy Day, or merely a commercial holiday?

4)   Dying girl’s Christmas wish granted by 10,000 carolers:

5)   Star of Bethlehem a “literary creation,” says professor:

6)   Santa and an elf face drunken driving charges in Poland

7)   Alcohol can boost your immune system, study says

8)   SANTA CONSPIRACIES: Boortz says Santa is just a conspiracy to make people dependent on government

9) Christmas Jingles: Planned Parenthood’s “12 Days of Contraception” and ACLU’s “NSA Santa” (also hear my “Autobot Christmas”)

10) The nefarious link between Santa and the US military


12-18-13 Missing Spies and Coverups: 9/11 and the Saudi Connection: Below are links to this week’s stories:

1)   Is there another Edward Snowden? It may be likely:

1) Edward Snowden’s Open Letter to Brazil:

2)   Riots and looting in Argentina while police are on strike:

3)   Hitler’s citizenship was revoked the other day.

4)   Princess Diana “Military Conspiracy Theory” ruled out:

5)   The CIA “Lost Spy” Scandal points to cooperation between media and government intelligence groups:

6)   Looking inside the Saudi 9-11 cover up:

7)   WTC 7 collapse not caused by negligence, court says

8)   Paris is the new Bronx. Does that mean Asheville is the Bronx of the Mountains?

9)   Putin and Yukanovych make $15B deal that brings Ukraine officially back into the Russian fold:

10) Over 200,000 displaced in Central African Republic’s capital due to Civil War:

12-10-13 Spy Games: Intel and Online Gaming: They needed a good excuse to be playing games on the clock… and they found one. Here’s the dish on US Intelligence and their online gaming activities, as well as the latest stories in the new that we’ll be covering this week:

1)   White House changes its story about Obama’s Uncle

2)   Winter-proof cockroach invades McNonymous’s home

3)   Protesters in Kiev Topple Lenin Statue

4)   The Guardian votes Edward Snowden Person of the Year

5)   LA Confidential: 18 Sherrifs Deputies Arrested

6)   The “No Conspiracy Theory” Conspiracy

7)   First JFK Assassination theory funded by CIA

8)   Paul Walker Conspiracies: Illuminati, birth control, weirdness  and there’s this one too: And did Paul Walker “predict” his own death:

9) Intelligence Spies are infiltrating Second Life and World of Warcraft

10) The Legendary President of Kosovo’s Satirical Political Party


12-3-13 Game of the Globe: The World Cup Draw: This week’s program will look at a number of the big stories from the week, including the upcoming World Cup Draw. This week’s topics include:

1)   The Internet Mystery that has the world baffled: For the past two years, a mysterious online organisation has been setting the world’s finest code-breakers a series of seemingly unsolveable problems. But to what end?

2)  Stadium construction accident shakes Brazil prior to World Cup

3) In the early years after 9/11, the CIA turned some Guantanamo Bay prisoners into double agents then sent them home to help the U.S. kill terrorists

4)   The radioactive wave from Japan nearing us

5)   Terrifyingly simple code used for nuclear launch device

6)   Child taken from woman’s womb by social services

7)   Mexican Cartels now making money exporting iron ore


11-26-13 The Hip Hop Conspiracy: This week, we examine allegations that there are elements of social engineering and conspiracy working behind the scenes in the music industry, as well as a number of hot stories trending in the news. Here are links to this week’s show notes:

1) Yale University Shooting Scare was a non-event:

2) The officer who raped a 19-year-old woman during a traffic stop

3) The Internet Mystery that has the world baffled: For the past two years, a mysterious online organisation has been setting the world’s finest code-breakers a series of seemingly unsolveable problems. But to what end?

5) The anonymous letter regarding secret meetings linking the music industry and private prisons:

7) The (Original) Rick Ross deception:

8) What ever happened to this guy? The alleged DOD whistleblower who came out discussing a hip hop conspiracy:

9) Oh… he turned up in another YouTube video… and on Twitter!

10) Craft Bottled Cocktails and Canned Wine make beverages quick and easy… but are they worth a damn?


11-19-13 The JFK Assassination, 50 Years Later: This week’s program will spend a bit of time examining the 50th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination, along with a host of other timely subjects that include the continuing controversy surrounding an MI6 agent whose extremely suspicious death has been ruled an “accident,” as well as Edward Snowden’s potential involvement with international operations abroad:

1) Was Edward Snowden a Double Agent? One site has at least alluded to it:

2) Harrisburg, PA newspaper editors retract 150-year old editorial that criticized the Gettysburg Address, declaring that the editors at the time failed to realize how important the speech was. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

3) Death of MI6 agent found in padlocked sports bag ruled “accident”

4) Ongoing sexual misconduct of Secret Service agents in 17 countries

5) Over 100 arrested, 386 children rescued from international child porn ring headquartered in Canada.

6) Fred Kaplan, distinguished journalist associated with the Council on Foreign Relations, debunks JFK conspiracies by assuming we’re all idiots.

7) Any Kaufman and “Celebrity Death Conspiracies”


11-12-13 A Post-Veteran’s Day Dialogue: (NOTE: Due to a schedule conflict, this week’s live broadcast will take place at 2 PM ET, rather than the regular 11 AM ET air time). This week’s show will examine a number of military-themed stories, as well as the latest in the world of news. Like Lazarus, the Silk Road (or a site virtually identical to it) has resurfaced online, and we also hear John Kerry (not) discussing his belief in JFK conspiracies. Then, turning our attention to the banking world, why are some of Obama’s significant donors being handed work fixing the “broken” Obamacare site? Next, we have a special showcase on nuclear weapons that have gone missing over the years, with a special audio mashup to mark the occasion:

Below are this week’s show topics… got a news tip? Email us a story lead.

1) Loose Lips Sync Ships: John Kerry won’t discuss his belief in a JFK assassination:

2) Here’s why that second alleged Silk Road murder-for-hire didn’t match Canadian records:

3) Man claims he was anally probed 8 times in roadside stop:

4) Congress passes Citigroup-authored bill that gives Wall Street firms the ability to bet the farm… without going broke if it fails:

5) Obama campaign donor’s company contracted to fix

6) Swiss Scientists say Yasser Arafat was poisoned with Polonium

7)   Special “Missing Nukes Section”: The Marietta Daily Journal discusses new technology (within the last year) that might succeed in locating an H-bomb, accidentally dropped off the coast of Tybee Island in 1958, which by now is likely buried in 20-30 feet of sediment:–coast-worries-locals

8) NPR interviews a defense correspondent, Guy Raz, about the history of the lost bomb… and he gets some of the facts wrong (that uranium and plutonium were both present in significant amounts on the bomb… this is contradictory, according to statements issued by the Air Force and the pilot of the plane, who both deny that plutonium was present):

9) Markus Sakey’s Bull-Crap “Faked Out” Piece on the Missing Tybee Bomb:

10) The Wikipedia entry for the 1958 Tybee Island incident:

11) An American/Israeli computer virus, designed to thwart Iran’s nuke program, is now attacking the ISS:

12) Scientists are baffled, as usual, by the lack of sunspots:

13) Company opens trading market to invest in athletes’ performance on and off the field:


11-5-13 Remember the Fifth of November: Today on Middle Theory, the Mouth and McNonymous will be looking at Obamacare, Brazilian cartels threatening to disrupt the World Cup, today’s “goobernatorial” elections, and the mysteries and controversies surrounding the Dark Net or “Deep Web,” where some of the most horrible junk in the world has moved into old government infrastructure beneath the surface of the World Wide Web. The live show streams at 11 AM ET via the Podcast and Live Show link above, and you can download the podcast on iTunes. Also, below are direct links to a few subjects on the table:

1)   “The Iron Silk Road”: Turkey’s Bosphorus Tunnel connects Europe to Asia… underwater:

2)   The Dark Web: Where all the maniacal junk hides out online, and how the latest clone of the dark web’s “Silk Road” crashes and burns.

3)   Chris Christie set to slide into victory:… Meanwhile, VA front runner McAucliffe could change the game:

4)   Obama tells aides, “I’m really good at killing people.”

5)   World Cup of Terror: Brazilian cartels make grave promises about World Cup

6)   DIY Cyborgs: British men surgically install DIY biofeedback device

7)   Guardian of the Realm: Defense Attorney demands to be called “Captain Justice.”

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